Hat-trick of promotions for staff in Savills’ Bristol office

March 7, 2013

Property agent Savills has promoted three key staff in its Bristol office.

Ben Taylor of the development team has been promoted to director. With more than 14 years’ experience in the property sector, Ben provides development agency advice and consultancy working mainly with residential developers.

Nick Matthews of the Bristol planning team has also been promoted to director. Nick is responsible for co-ordinating major planning applications and strategic land promotion on behalf of a range of public and private sector clients. He also represents a number of major developers’ interests in the formulation of the Community Infrastructure Levy charges across the region.

Development team member Victoria Le Huray has been promoted to associate director. Victoria is Savills’ national development services coordinator, responsible for event management, marketing and administration across the division. She is also PA to Richard Rees, Savills’ head of UK development.

Head of Savills Bristol office, Andrew Main, said: “These individuals have been integral to the success of their respective teams and I would like to congratulate them on their very well deserved promotions.”

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