
Plea to business as Mayor drums up support to make Bristol the New Orleans of UK

February 21, 2014
Plea to business as Mayor drums up support to make Bristol the New Orleans of UK

Businesses are being urged to help elevate Bristol to a world-class centre for jazz and blues music as part of Mayor George Ferguson’s ambitions to make the city the ‘New Orleans of the UK’. Cultural and business links between Bristol and the Louisiana birthplace of jazz are being formalised...

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China ‘Smart Cities’ mission will plug into Bristol’s micro-chip innovation

February 21, 2014
China ‘Smart Cities’ mission will plug into Bristol’s micro-chip innovation

Bristol’s world-class expertise in micro-electronics is to play a crucial role in the recently-announced Smart Cities Trade Mission to China later this year. Bristol boasts the world’s second-largest cluster of micro-chip design expertise outside of California’s Silicon Valley. Many of its leading-edge firms have become global players in the...

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West’s best directors sought for awards that champion excellence and enterprise

February 21, 2014
West’s best directors sought for awards that champion excellence and enterprise

West firms of all sizes are being urged to enter their directors in the region’s top award scheme recognising excellence and enterprise in the boardroom. The South West Institute of Directors (IoD) Awards 2014 celebrate the achievements of the region’s outstanding business people and their contribution to the its...

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How we lead in fostering student innovation: UWE vice-chancellor to speak on high-profile panel

February 21, 2014
How we lead in fostering student innovation: UWE vice-chancellor to speak on high-profile panel

UWE vice-chancellor Professor Steve West has been selected to take part in a panel debate on how best to foster student innovation and entrepreneurship. Chaired by Guardian Universities editor Judy Friedberg at The Guardian University Forum 2014, the panel will consider the role universities play in nurturing student entrepreneurship...

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Stage is set for Bristol Old Vic’s business club to raise £400,000

February 21, 2014
Stage is set for Bristol Old Vic’s business club to raise £400,000

The Bristol Old Vic, which celebrates its 250thanniversary in 2016, has launched a membership scheme for the city’s business community to help secure the future of the theatre for another 250 years. Called The Twenty Twenty Club, the scheme has already signed up its first member – international property...

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Bristol Arena gets go-ahead at last as full council meeting approves funding

February 18, 2014
Bristol Arena gets go-ahead at last as full council meeting approves funding

Bristol’s long hoped for arena cleared its final hurdle this week as its funding package was agreed by the full city council. Work will now begin on appointing an operator to run the 12,000 capacity venue on disused land near Temple Meads station in a move that will deliver...

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China trade mission will showcase Bristol’s green, tech and creative innovation

February 14, 2014
China trade mission will showcase Bristol’s green, tech and creative innovation

Bristol’s innovation in the green, hi-tech and creative industries is to be championed in China through a unique trade mission which aims to open up valuable new markets for businesses in these key sectors. Taking the ‘Smart Cities’ concept as its theme, the November visit will give 10 Bristol...

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Royal seal of approval for Bristol’s tech innovation as Duke of York visits

February 14, 2014
Royal seal of approval for Bristol’s tech innovation as Duke of York visits

Bristol’s emerging role as a national crucible for tech innovation received royal approval this week when the Duke of York visited the city. The Duke, who has a keen interest in technology and knowledge transfer, met fledging and established tech companies on Monday when he toured Bristol’s recently-opened Engine...

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Animated money-saving advice app is child’s play for Aardman

February 14, 2014
Animated money-saving advice app is child’s play for Aardman

Bristol’s Aardman Animations have teamed up with NatWest to launch a children’s smartphone and tablet app to help them learn about saving money. The free-to-download app, the first produced by a UK bank, includes a game that allows the player to be a boy or girl pig character running...

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Double sponsorship success for Gloucestershire Cricket ahead of new season

February 14, 2014
Double sponsorship success for Gloucestershire Cricket ahead of new season

Gloucestershire Cricket has announced two sponsorship agreements as it prepares for its first season at the redeveloped County Ground. St Austell Brewery, which last year signed a six-year partnership to become major sponsor and the main supplier to its club bars, is to become a shirt advertising sponsor.   ...

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UWE expert to help Government shape the cities of the future

February 14, 2014
UWE expert to help Government shape the cities of the future

The director of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and the Environments (SPE) at UWE, Professor Katie Williams, has been appointed to a major Government body looking at the cities of the future. The Foresight Review will tackle the issues that will influence central Government thinking on where and how...

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UWE launches £4m fund to boost innovation among West businesses

February 12, 2014
UWE launches £4m fund to boost innovation among West businesses

Innovative West businesses working on pioneering research and development projects can apply for financial help through a £4m innovation fund launched today by the University of the West of England (UWE). Grants of between £25,000 and £150,000 will be available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as...

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Young entrepreneurs on a mission to pair students with small firms

February 7, 2014
Young entrepreneurs on a mission to pair students with small firms

Missionly, the pioneering Bristoln business that harnesses young people’s skills to benefit small businesses, is looking forward to a bright future after its official – and colourful – launch brought together more than 100 entrepreneurs, supporters and students. The firm is the brainchild of Chris Dalley and Will Duddell,...

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