Advanced manufacturing

R&D tax credits are keeping Bristol at the forefront of innovation, survey shows

September 9, 2016
R&D tax credits are keeping Bristol at the forefront of innovation, survey shows

Take up of government research and development incentives is set to double in Bristol over the next three years as more businesses use them to boost innovation and stimulate growth. According to research by Bristol-based R&D tax credit consultancy ForrestBrown, the incentives have already had a positive impact on...

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Opportunities explored as East meets West in green tech and sustainable building sectors

September 9, 2016
Opportunities explored as East meets West in green tech and sustainable building sectors

Sustainable building and environmental technologies will be in the spotlight at the next Bristol and West of England China Bureau ‘pow wow’, held in conjunction with Low Carbon South West. Pow wow’s are popular business networking events that allow directors from across the region to meet exporters who are...

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Radical thinking on tech approach to past, present and future crises explored at Bristol conference

September 2, 2016
Radical thinking on tech approach to past, present and future crises explored at Bristol conference

Some of the UK’s most radical thinkers in areas spanning technology, energy and transport are sharing their views this weekend at a pioneering event in Bristol. The Radical Technology Conference at the University of Bristol, which starts this evening, will explore a more radical approach to technology and its ability...

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US drugs manufacturer saves 210 jobs with production plant acquisition

September 2, 2016
US drugs manufacturer saves 210 jobs with production plant acquisition

More than 200 jobs have been saved following the takeover of AstraZeneca’s doomed Avlon production plant at Avonmouth. US contract manufacturer Avara Pharmaceutical Services stepped in this week to buy the massive site, pictured, which it described as a centre of excellence, and pledged to keep on all 210...

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West firms show resilience on sales and jobs despite confidence plunging to four-year low

September 2, 2016
West firms show resilience on sales and jobs despite confidence plunging to four-year low

Confidence among West of England firms has slumped to its lowest level since 2012 as they continue to react to the EU referendum, according to a new survey. The latest quarterly ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor (BCM), which gauges how businesses view the economic prospects facing them over coming year,...

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Record number of jobs created as Bristol acts as magnet for growing businesses

August 31, 2016
Record number of jobs created as Bristol acts as magnet for growing businesses

Thousands of new jobs will be brought to Bristol and the West of England over the next few years as firms are attracted by its growing reputation as a tech, creative and financial services hub, according to inward investment chiefs. Over the past year a record 1,800 jobs have...

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US tech deal opens up pipeline of innovative new products for Viper Subsea

August 30, 2016
US tech deal opens up pipeline of innovative new products for Viper Subsea

Portishead-based Viper Subsea, which supplies hi-tech equipment to the global oil and gas sector, has acquired a 33% stake in a US technology firm – paving the way for it to develop a range of innovative products.  LiveWire Innovation is the recognised leader in Spread-Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry (SSTDR)...

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Any more delays over Hinkley Point C will harm our economy, Business West warns government

August 19, 2016
Any more delays over Hinkley Point C will harm our economy, Business West warns government

Business West, the region’s largest business organisation, has thrown down the gauntlet to the government over its delay in giving the go-ahead the Hinkley Point C project. With billions of pounds of investment and thousands of jobs hanging in the balance, Business West has called for swift action. In...

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No hot air, but plenty of heated debate at Balloon Fiesta Business Breakfast

August 19, 2016
No hot air, but plenty of heated debate at Balloon Fiesta Business Breakfast

Can businesses operate with a purpose was theme of the annual Bristol Balloon Fiesta Business Breakfast – with nearly 200 early-riser guests enjoying the debate. The event, sponsored by regional law firm Thrings for the fourth consecutive year, heard from an expert panel made up of Steve Fuller, from...

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Ladder manufacturer steps into brighter future in refurbished warehouses

August 19, 2016
Ladder manufacturer steps into brighter future in refurbished warehouses

The UK’s largest independent manufacturer of ladders is moving from its Yatton base into two warehouse units on the Tweed Road Industrial Estate in Clevedon. Ladder producer Titan Ladders, which was formed in 1933, produces aluminium, timber, fibreglass and steel ladders for trade, industrial and domestic use nationwide. It...

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Former Somerfield chill store nets new tenant after nearly decade out in the cold

August 19, 2016
Former Somerfield chill store nets new tenant after nearly decade out in the cold

The lack of industrial space in Bristol has been underlined by a deal on a building that has been empty for more than eight years. Netting and fencing equipment manufacturer Tildernet is to move to the 55,677 sq ft unit on Cater Road in Bishopsworth following an extensive refurbishment...

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Survey points to stagnation as West firms’ confidence falls and spending plans are put on hold

August 19, 2016
Survey points to stagnation as West firms’ confidence falls and spending plans are put on hold

Confidence among West of England firms has dropped significantly following the vote to leave the European Union, according to one of the first regional surveys conducted since the historic referendum result. A third of businesses expect sales to flatline over the next 12 months while more than half plan...

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Time running out for businesses to take part in Mayor Rees’s Bristol budget simulator

August 12, 2016
Time running out for businesses to take part in Mayor Rees’s Bristol budget simulator

Businesses have just a week left to take part in Bristol City Council’s budget simulator and let Mayor Marvin Rees know what their priorities are as he strives to balance the books. The online simulator breaks down the services provided by the council and describes what they do. It...

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