Ashfords looking to further develop its technology strategy after appointing its first CIO

June 26, 2024

National law firm Ashfords, which has an office in Bristol, has recruited its first CIO. Mike Nolan is responsible for developing the firm’s technology strategy and delivering successful IT infrastructure investments.

His arrival at the firm, which has a 500-plus strong workforce, comes as it continues to invest in technology to ensure its people have the right tools to meet client need in the most effective, sustainable and secure way. 

Recent investments have included completing its cloud-based strategy, implementing and upgrading to ‘best-of-breed’ IT platforms and developing effective working practices to gain maximum cross firm benefit from new technologies.

Mike will also play a leading role in Ashfords’ future-focused Innovation Group, which brings together expertise from across the firm to develop strategies and approaches in areas such as the use of AI, data and wider process improvements.

Mike was previously IT director at City law firm BCLP, where he spent more than 21 years, and has more recently worked as an independent IT consultant supporting businesses in the legal and financial sectors.

Ashfords CEO Louise Workman said: “Mike’s wealth of experience will be essential in delivering the benefits of our increased tech investments to our people and clients.

“He will be a critical part of the leadership team driving improvements in how we work and operate as a business.”

Mike Nolan said it was an exciting time to join Ashfords.

“With increased investment, we have the opportunity to implement new technologies and ways of working to meet the future needs of the firm, its people and its clients,” he added.

Mike’s appointment follows Louise Workman’s re-election of as CEO for a second four-year term last month and the appointment of a new CFO, Nick Wrigley, last year.

The firm, which also has offices in Exeter, London and Plymouth, has also recently welcomed a number of new senior hires, including employment partner James Collings from Foot Anstey and real estate partner Rhiannon Morgan-Williams from Simmons & Simmons.

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