The benefits of floating on the London Stock Exchange will be spelled out to financial directors this week at the next meeting of the accountants Grant Thornton’s quarterly FD Club.
Lucy Tarleton, the LSE’s representative for London and the South of England, will join Tim Lincoln, head of Grant Thornton’s regional practice, at the breakfast event on Thursday.
Mr Lincoln will also provide an insight into the FRS102 Financial Reporting Standards, which come into effect next year.
He said: “Most finance directors know they will need to apply FRS 102 to their financial statements for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015, but have they considered what this really means for their business?
“I will be highlighting some of the areas that FDs need to consider when they are raising finance for their business.”
Ms Tarleton will provide an analysis of the benefits of flotation and the challenges which companies face on their journey towards an IPO, highlighting the role of AIM in funding growth companies and its importance in accessing capital.
Grant Thornton’s FD Club was established exclusively for finance directors and other senior decision makers. It provides an opportunity to hear the firm’s specialists provide insight into topical issues.
The event takes place at Grant Thornton’s offices at Hartwell House, 55-61 Victoria Street, Bristol from 8am-9.30am on Thursday. For further information contact Laura Ketland at Grant Thornton on 0117 305 7604 or