HM Revenue & Custom’s renewed focus on import and export procedures and their potential impact on businesses will come under the spotlight at the next meeting of accountancy firm Grant Thornton’s FD Club.
Established exclusively for finance directors and other senior decision makers, the club’s quarterly meetings provide insight into topical issues from Grant Thornton’s in-house experts.
The next event, on Thursday, January 16, is titled Financing Growth and Mastering Risk. With HMRC becoming more focussed on ensuring businesses follow the correct import and export procedures, it will shed light at its key areas of focus and look at how companies can reduce their duty bill and the risk of incurring penalties.
The breakfast event takes place at Grant Thornton’s offices at Hartwell House, 55-61 Victoria Street, Bristol from 8am-9.30am.
For further information contact Laura Ketland at Grant Thornton on 0117 305 7604 or